27. June
What is Hypotecnikalkulacka.cz?
Hypotecnikalkulacka.cz will help you determine which of mortgage products from the current bank offers the best according to your individual requirements.
How do I search the best mortgage for me using Hypotecnikalkulacka.cz?
Hypotecnikalkulacka.cz offers four calculators, which let you find the best mortgage. For mortgage calculation fill in the selected calculator a few basic mortgage parameters and click on the "Search" or the "Compare" button. We will display the best mortgage products for you.
What counts calculator „Mortgage loan“?
Calculator "Mortgage loan“ is suitable if you want to get a loan to finance real estate and use borrowed funds for nothing else.
What counts calculator „Refinancing“?
Use „Refinancing“ calculator in case you want to replace your current mortgage with a different and more profitable one. We recommend you to start with planning to refinance a few months before the end of the fixed interest rate term on the existing mortgage.
What counts calculator „American mortgage“?
If you need a loan and have a suitable property to pledge and you do not want to prove the purpose of the loan, the calculator 'American mortgage' is designed just for you.
What counts calculator "Compare mortgages"?
Calculator "Compare mortgages" takes an advantage of a situation where you have an offer of a mortgage loan from your bank and you can easily compare it with the current offerings of other banks.
How are the results in calculators sorted?
The results or each mortgage products are sorted from the most to the less preferred. The main criterion of profitability of mortgage product is the value of the APR (annual percentage rate). You can get more mortgage products via the green arrows on the sides of the current window, or by clicking on the pagination, which is located below each result.
What is the repayment schedule?
There's a repayment schedule available for each mortgage, which contains a chart and a detailed table listing installments for months. This will give you an overview of what amount of payment goes to interest or the amortization of the loan and how much money remains to redeem until the end of the loan.
What do I do with the results in calculators?
For each recommended mortgage product you see the relevant bank, monthly payment, interest rate, fixation of interest rate, APR and repayment schedule. A detailed elaboration of our consultants can be arranged for selected mortgage product.
How do I get detailed processing of the selected mortgage?
Detailed processing of a particular mortgage product from our consultants will get you an offer of mortgage product suited for you. Please click on the "I want this mortgage" and then you will see more detailed form prefilled with the values of the selected mortgage product. Fill out the form including your contact information and click on "I want a tentative loan offer".
What can I expect after sending a demand on detailed processing of the selected mortgage?
After you send a demand we start analyze and evaluate the data entered and we will send you the best mortgage offer in a short time.
Is processing of more detailed mortgage free?
Yes, all Hypotecnikalkulacka.cz services are completely free.
We will gladly help you
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We will gladly help you how to use the mortgage calculator, or we will guide you through the process of selecting a mortgage.
an average amount we save each client during fixation period
the volume of requests over the last month
by comparison from the offer of housing loan products